Happy Birthday to You

His hair is silver a distinguished look, I think.

His grin is soft, yet his eyes are sharing a few hint.

He starts every morning with a bowl of cereal, and jelly on toast

Finishing it off with his favorite cup of coffee, yet leaving most.

He’s used to his arthritis, well, I should say theirs little complaint

He has no dentures to lose or give away

He can manage his bifocals, when they can be found

Then theirs those awful days when only he frowns.

Sometime he can’t remember, which is upsetting to him at times

But since he doesn’t remember, he’ll continues as if things are fine.

He goes to the refrigerator for ice cream or milk, on the spur of the moment he

would surprise us with something else.

It seems he travels a hundred miles across a bare floor,

Readying for that special moment to go elsewhere.

He has his bags packed, for cold and sunny days.

A bag of toiletry, foods while this cycles is always on replay.

There’s times he talks to people who are not really here

It changes the looks on peoples faces, as well as the rooms atmosphere

Clueless he is, in his dream world it seems

Then other moments his mind is here with you and me.

Then there’s times when dark settles in and he wants to go home,

Otherwise he’s always checking the doors and looking for another level floor.

He wakes time after time asking if it’s morning or night

He’ll then ask is it time to get up. Or is everything alright.

With all this happening he has good days and bad,

And like us all he could be happy or sad.

As the minutes and hours total to make a day

May his happy birthdays, be good in many many ways.